I am Shazia Rafique, PhD, a Pakistani married female. I have completed PhD in Molecular Virology on the topic entitled "Generation of Infectious Hepatitis C Pseudo particles Containing Functional E1E2 Envelope Protein Complexes and their neutralization Assay" from National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab in 2011. During my PhD research I won three travel grant awards from International Vaccine Institute Korea in 2008, ICGEB and NFID, USA in 2010 on the basis of my research work I Presented. I worked as post doc fellow at LUMS School of Biological Sciences for two years on the molecular characterization of CG97 gene of drosophila which is homologue of MLL5 gene in humans. I have three year post PhD experience, in which I worked as Assistant Prof at Centre for Applied Molecular Biology on Project "Genomic analysis of NS3 gene of local HCV isolate and development of HCV detection kit" funded by HEC. In 2014 I was selected for a course on protein purification sponsored by Cold Spring Harbor Labs, USA. I joined Centre of excellence in Molecular Biology on May, 2016 as Assistant Prof TTS. I am highly delighted and feel privileged for having come in touch with a distinguish research work going on at CEMB. My research work has been published in international journals with a total impact factor 40. Presently I’m working on Study of methylation profile of promoters of IRS1 and Socs3 genes in chronic HCV patients and wish to take the dedicated research work in the field of Molecular virology. |