After complation of my M.Phil in Molecular Biology, I started my professional career as a Research Officer at National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB), University of the Punjab-Lahore. Here I joined Division of Molecular Virology and Infectious Diseases Laboratory and worked as Deputy Technical Manager of Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory. Here I worked on commercial diagnostics project based on detection, Quantification and Genotyping of HBV, HCV along with detection of TB and Typhoid.
I have been a part of “Prime Minister Program for Hepatitis Prevention and Control in Pakistan” for PCR based detection, Quantification and Genotyping of Hepatitis B and C.
In 2007, I was awarded the Indigenous Ph.D scholarship by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. After completion of my PhD in Molecular Biology in 2014, I got promotion as Assistant Professor on adhoc in my parent institute National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology.
In year 2011, when Punjab was hit with a major outbreak of Dengue Virus, I have worked on detection and serotyping of Dengue samples received from Different districts of Punjab from 2011 to 2014 and also published the data in National and International journals.
In 2014, I got a Post Doc fellowship in Molecular Immunology from French National Institute of Health and Medical Research. On completion of fellowship in 2015, I joined back my institute.
After one major and some minor outbreaks in Punjab, in year 2014 and 2015 I have worked on the detection of Dengue virus in Larvae and adults Aedes Mosquitoes (main vector of Dengue fever) collected from different districts of Punjab and KPK in order to predict any possible outbreak in different districts of Punjab and KPK and meanwhile published the data.
In 2018, I have been awarded research mobility grant under “The Pak-France PERIDOT Research Program (Phase V)” for research collaboration.
Currently I am working on Dengue Vaccines Project and detection assays for Dengue virus that are designed for our local population. Both these projects are funded by different funding agencies.
I have expertise in Microbial techniques, Biochemical testing, Viral DNA/RNA extraction, Plasmid extraction, Gel Electrophoresis, Dot-blot, Genomic PCR, RNA extraction, purification of DNA from agarose gel, PCR technique, Real Time smart PCR, ELISA, HCV/HBV Genotyping. Site directed mutagenesis, Tissue & cell culturing, Transformation, Transfection, Primer Designing, cDNA synthesis, sequencing PCR, Mass Array, Spectrophotometry, Restriction Digestion analysis, RFLP, Cloning, SDS-PAGE and Western Blot. FACS Analysis, Immunohistochemistry, Immunofluorescence.
I have presented my work at both national and international level. My research work is published in reputed international journals. I am motivated to contribute my best out of my professional abilities and interpersonal skills. |