Dr. Muhammad Shahid Farooq is Professor & Chairman at Department of Advanced Studies in Education (DASE), Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab-Pakistan. He earned his First PhD (Special Education) from University of the Punjab and his Second PhD (Educational Sciences) and Post Doctorate from Université Lumière Lyon 2-France. He is the ever first in the world with two PhDs in these disciplines. He has obtained Masters degrees in Education as well as in Economics from University of the Punjab. He is also Gold Medalist of University of the Punjab for being first class first in Master of Education. He has also MCS, B.Sc., B.Ed., DHMS and DFL in his credit.
He leads courses of PhD, M.Phil and Master Level in Introduction to Education Policy, Educational Policy Analysis, Quality Assurance in Education, TQM in Education, Educational Leadership and Management, Curriculum Development, Critiques on Research in Science Education, Research Methods, Teaching of Mathematics, Educational Administration and Supervision, Educational Assessment and Evaluation, Organizational Behavior, Personnel Management, Special Education, Instructional Technology, Islamic System of Education, Education in Pakistan, Learning Theories and Models and Computer Applications in Education. He supervised 148 Masters, 45 M. Phil Theses and supervising 17 PhD scholars. He is also Approved Supervisor by Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan to supervise awardees of HEC’s scholarship and other PhD scholars as well. He has 25 years of teaching experience as a whole. Before becoming teacher educator in 2004, he entered in professional academic life in 1995, and has a strong practical background of working as an educator for primary, secondary and college students of diverse communities. He accumulated extensive experience throughout the early years not only in developing and delivering professional development but also in tutoring courses, supervising at a range of levels and freelance consultant. He is passionate in working collaboratively as group leader as well as team member. He regularly contributes to international and national conferences, seminars, workshops, lectures and research journals. He visited Saudi Arabia, France, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Northern Ireland of UK, Belgium, United Kingdom, Germany, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands and Chezk Republic for conferences and other academic purposes. He authored numerous research papers that dealt with primary school, secondary school, university education levels, and distance education in national and international research journals. Three of his books entitled “Causes of Primary School Dropout: A Case of Pakistani Students”, “Inclusive Schooling Model: A School Improvement Approach”, and “Cognitive and Learning Styles: Relationship with Academic Performance” have been published in Germany. He is not only working as a reviewer of different national and international journals but also served as Managing Editor of Journal of Elementary Education. He led many research projects sponsored by Govt. of Punjab, UNICEF, Higher Education Commission Pakistan and Univesity of the Punjab, Lahore Pakistan. Throughout his career he has been committed in improving quality of teaching and learning through his work in teaching, teacher training, professional conference presentation, academic writing, professional lectures and research. His current research interests lie in the areas of Inclusive Education; Mathematics Education; Didactics; Learning Styles/Cognitive Styles; Special Education (Mental retardation, Learning disabilities); Quality Education; Socioeconomic Studies; School Improvement; Educational Leadership; Educational Administration & Supervision, School Management, Leadership for Learning, Child-friendly Schooling, and Schools in challenging circumstances. He is member of international professional organizations; The Wallace Foundation, Australian Centre on Quality of Life (ACQOL), Experience Based Learning System (EBLS), and Education, Learning Styles, Individual Differences, Network (ELSIN). He has been nominated by Pakistan Standards Quality Control Authority (PSQCA), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan to represent Pakistan at an international forum and contribute as a Member of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) TC176 WG5 “Quality Management and Quality Assurance-Requirements for Education Organizations” in developing Quality Standards, Quality management systems, and Application of ISO standards in Education Organizations in the world. This nomination is also to provide consultation for adaptation and appliance of standards developed by other ISO technical committees such as ISO TC232 “Learning Services for Non-Formal Education and Training” and ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 “Information Technology for Learning Education and Training” in formal education organizations. Prof. Shahid rendered his services for quality assurance and quality control for Pakistani schools, colleges and universities at a very prestigious international podium "International Organization for Standardization (ISO)". At this platform he interacted and collaborated with the renowned experts, educationists, and academicians of hundred and twelve countries such as US, UK, France, Switzerland, Netherland, Australia, Canada, Spain, Denmark, Singapore, South Africa, Germany, Italy, China, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Luxembourg, Japan, India, Sweden, Iran, Uzbekistan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Morocco, UAE, Greece, Mexico, Jamaica, Egypt, Russian Federation, Jordon, Cyprus, Brazil, Nigeria, and Columbia. |