Zahoor Hussain Farooqi did M.Sc in Physical Chemistry from University of the Punjab Lahore in 2006. He obtained his M.Phil degree in Physical Chemistry from Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad in 2008. He worked as lecturer in Physical Chemistry at Institute of Chemistry, University of the Punjab, Lahore from March 2008 to January 2009. He worked as research associate in CSI, The City University of New York, USA under Pak-US Science and Technology Cooperative Program from January 2009 to March 2010. He re-joined Institute of Chemistry, University of the Punjab Lahore as a lecturer in September 2010 after returning back to Pakistan. He obtained his PhD degree in Physical Chemistry from Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad in June 2013 and promoted from lecturer to Assistant Professor on June 24, 2013. He worked as Honorary Research Fellow in Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool, UK from 01-05-2018 to 06-10-2018. He is currently working as an Associate Professor at Institute of Chemistry. Dr. Farooqi has developed several effective collaborations with leading research groups in UK, USA, China and Saudi Arabia. He has written a book on Physical Chemistry which is being used as a text book for M.Sc/BS chemistry students in Pakistani Universities. He is also author of Physical Chemistry laboratory manuals for B.Sc and BS/M.Sc Chemistry students. He has published 95 journal articles with accumulative impact factor of 281.187 which have attracted 1488 citations with H-index of 24 and i-10 index of 47 (Google Scholar). He has presented more than 40 research papers as poster/oral presentations in International and National Conferences. His aim is to present science in an easy and tutorial way for students/ new researchers who are eager to do work in his research area. For this purpose, he has published many tutorial reviews in international journals. He has published a book chapter in Encyclopedia of Biopolymers and Polymeric Biomaterials published by Taylor & Francis: New York for the same purpose. 01 PhD, 26 M.Phil and 43 M.Sc/BS research students have completed their dissertations in his supervision. His area of research is polymer colloids and smart polymer microgels for biomedical, nano-technological and catalytic applications. He has successfully completed 7 research projects funded by home University. He has received funding from Higher Education Commission, Pakistan under various schemes including National Research Program for Universities (NRPU), Pakistan Program for Collaborative Research (PPCR) and Research Travel Grant etc. He has won various awards including Research Productivity Award (Pakistan Council for Science & Technology), Highest Impact Factor Award (The Chemical Society of Pakistan) and Competitive Research Travel Award (RSC, UK) etc. Dr. Farooqi is a member of The American Chemical Society and The Chemical Society of Pakistan. He is also associate member of Royal Society of Chemistry, UK. He has been a reviewer of The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Chemical Communication, Macromolecular Rapid Communication, Polymer Chemistry, Chemical Engineering Journal, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Catalysis Communication, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, RSC Advances, Polymer Chemistry, and more. |