Dr. Ghazala Akram is working as Associate Professor in Department of Mathematics University of the Punjab, Lahore. She did her Ph.D. from University of the Punjab, Lahore in 2007. She did her M. Sc. Mathematics, from Department of Mathematics, University of the Punjab, Lahore during the session 1996-1998. She stood first throughout the University in M. Sc. and was awarded gold medal.
She is an active researcher in the field of Computational Mathematics. She has published 52 papers in international journals. Presently, eight papers are accepted and twelve papers are submitted. It is to be noted that during the Ph.D. research work, she published 12 papers in the HEC approved international journals. She has produced one Ph. D. scholar. Four Ph. D. scholars are in progress. She has produced 13 M. Phil. scholars so far and four M. Phil. scholars are in progress. She was awarded Best Teacher Award in the Department of Mathematics, for the year 2014. The impact factor of Dr. Ghazala is 30.164, citation is 546, h-index is 15 and i10-index is 22.
She was Managerial Secretary of Punjab University Journal of Mathematics. Cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- was awarded to her by the worthy Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab in recognition of her contribution for online launching of Punjab University Journal of Mathematics. |