Shakil Ahmed was joined University of the Punjab, Lahore in 1990 as M.Sc Botany Student. Presently, he is working as Professor in the Department of Botany, University of the Punjab, Lahore. He did his Post-doctoral research work from Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, UK.
Knowledge of the physio-biochemical and ecological mechanism of Plant species and environment interactions are crucial in drawing parallels between plant growth-yield responses to various environmental variables. He has expertise of different basic and advance experimental techniques. Prof. Shakil Ahmed published more than 70 research papers and review articles in very good quality journals including Chemoshpere, Environmental Research Letters, Environmental Pollution, Science of the Total Environment, Scientia Horticulturae, Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Fluoride Journal, International Journal of Phytoremediation, Iranian Journal of Plant Physiology, South African Journal of Botany, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Biological Agriculture & Horticulture, Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences, Allelopathy Journal, Pakistan Journal of Botany, Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology and Biologia which is really a sound milestone in the career of Prof. Shakil Ahmed and hence an international recognition of his excellent work on Plant Ecology, Applied Environmental Biology and Environmental Biotechnology. He has earned Research Productivity /Performance/ Incentive Award, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012 and 2015 by University of the Punjab, Lahore-Pakistan. He has earned the Invocation Award for the Technology, 2015 in Invention to Invocation Summit organized by PSF, PASTIC, UMT, IRP and ORIC University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Prof. Shakil Ahmed has also worked as Research Projects Reviewer for Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad-Pakistan in order to evaluate the research proposal for funding at National level research projects. He was also recognized as HEC PhD-research supervisor since 2006. Prof. Shakil Ahmed also contributed in human resource development in his area of research and have produced 04 PhDs; more than 44MPhil/MS, 50M.Sc/BS students. Currently, 13PhD, 11MPhil/MS, 06M.Sc/BS research students working under his supervision. He has been completed 19 research Projects of basic and applied nature of total funding approximate 18 Million Pak rupees. He also worked as Examiners (as thesis Viva Voce; Theory paper setter and Practical paper setter) for different Universities of Pakistan.
Prof. Shakil Ahmed’s contribution to science and technology within Pakistan has been tremendous which could be gauged from his active participation in a number of national research and academic organizations/ societies/ conferences/ seminars. Furthermore, his contribution in science and technology at the international level is equally remarkable which is evident from his foreign visit/involvement in academic and research work presentations in different countries including UK, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Malaysia, UAE, Egypt and China. He has organized and completed more than 52 training workshops and seminars. Prof. Shakil Ahmed is life member of different learned and professional societies like; Pakistan Botanical Society (PBS); Asian Allelopathy Society (AAS); Myco-Phytopathalogical Society of Pakistan (MYCOPS); Pakistan Biological Society (PBS); Pakistan Phyto-pathological Society (PPS); Pakistan Weed Science Society (PWSS) etc and hold the different position like Vice President (Punjab) and Councilor of Pakistan Phyto-pathological Society (PPS) and also a member Editorial Board & Technical Committee of some research journals. |