I started my research professional carrier when I joined Centre of Excellence in Molecular biology, University of the Punjab soon after completion of my M.Sc from Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. In CEMB I worked on Genetic and Molecular Characterization of Recessive Hereditary Hearing Impairment in Pakistani Population (April 2003–Sep.2006). I played my role in the identification of RDX gene of recessive deafness locus DFNB24, many novel recessive mutations of MYO15A and SLC26A4 and large deletions in SLC26A4 gene.
From 2007-2008 I attended the “Institute for Transplantation Diagnostics and Cell Therapeutics at the Medical Center of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany” where I received training on “Cord blood banking (processing, freezing, thawing and quality control of umbilical cord blood) in a certified GMP facility for future clinical therapy” and also participated in research on cord blood derived “Unrestricted somatic Stem Cells”.
I my M.Phil (session 2010-2012) I studied the “Role of insulin growth factor preconditioning of cord blood derived mesenchymal stem cells in protection against hypoxic injury in vitro. Currently I am serving the CEMB as Research Officer cum Lecturer and also enrolled in PhD session 2015-2019. For my PhD my aim is to exploit the ways to regenerate the damaged skin and to make an artificial skin construct that could be used for skin regeneration (specially burnt skin) by stem cells. |