The beginnings of my professional experience were from joining the National Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB) as a Research officer cum lecturer in Forensic DNA Typing Laboratory in 2004. Here I provided my services as a Forensic DNA Scientist to solve all types of criminal and parentage cases including high profile cases through conducting DNA test.
My department provided me an opportunity for six months Training Course on ‘DNA STR Analysis’ from Strand Analytical Laboratories Indianapolis, Indiana, USA in 2006. I participated in 17th International Symposium on Human Identification 2006 at Tennessee USA, where I also attended a workshop on Forensic Statistics and ’06 Technology Tour Chicago, Illinois.
It was a great pleasure for me when HEC awarded me indigenous PhD scholarship in 2011. It was also a great pride for me that I completed all research work at CEMB with fully equipped and furnished laboratories. During PhD research work I developed a multiplex system for simultaneous detection of autosomal STRs and Y-STRs. Due to this development I won Technology Award at 5th Invention to Innovation Summit 2016.
On completion of my PhD I rejoined CEMB in 2014 where I published research articles including population genetic data, in scientific journals of HEC approved and international repute with Thomson Reuter’s impact factor. For the year of 2015, I received a performance evaluation Award by the University of the Punjab, Lahore. I also filed for a national patent through application No. 172/2015 on the development of STR Multiplex System. Currently four M.Phil and two PhD students are doing their research work in forensic under my supervision. In developing Forensic DNA Typing with respect to applied and research areas in the country, I am fully confident to add value, by sharing my expertise. |