Dr. Riaz has obtained his M.Sc. in Physics with distinction in December 2003 from “The Islamia University of Bahawalpur”, Pakistan and PhD in Applied Physics from University of Naples “Federico-II”, Napoli, Italy in December 2011. He joined the department of Physics as lecturer in 2004 and currently he is working as assistant professor in physics. His scientific interests and research fields are devoted to the study of advanced materials in the field of experimental condensed matter physics, and in particular to the study and characterization of epitaxial magnetic thin films (e.g., manganites) and novel conducting oxide interfaces (between oxide band insulators like LaAlO3/SrTiO3).
Scientific keywords:
Epitaxial oxide thin films, Perovskitic oxides, PLD, Sputtering, Ultrasonic bonding, Magnetism, CMR, PIPT, Dielectricity, Spintronics, DC and RF transport properties, Magnetic and Photo induced transport properties. |