Mahmood ul Hassan completed his PhD in Theoretical Physics from Cambridge University, England in 2000, where he studied as a member of St. John’s College. He was awarded Benefactors’ Scholarship in 1996 from St. John’s College for his PhD studies. During his PhD, he worked on various aspects of nonlinear sigma models of classical and quantum field theories. He passed with distinction Part-III of Mathematical Tripos (MASt) in 1996 from Cambridge University. For Part III of Mathematical Tripos, he was awarded Cambridge Commonwealth-Lady Noon Scholarship in 1995. He was also awarded St. John’s College Prize for distinction in Part III of Mathematical Tripos. After completing his PhD, Hassan joined the Physics Department at Punjab University as lecturer in 2001.
He is a fellow of Cambridge Commonwealth Society and recipient of Gold Medal from Government College Lahore and Punjab University. His research interests include Mathematical Physics, Supersymmetry and Integrable Systems. He also held a research fellowship (2007-08) at University of Glasgow, Scotland. Prior to his studies at Cambridge, Hassan received his MSc degree in Physics from Government College Lahore obtaining first position in Punjab University and Government College Lahore. He has supervised a number PhD and MPhil students.
His research has been published in various journals notably Nuclear Physics B, Journal of Physics A, Modern Physics Letters A, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, European Physical Journal, Integrability, Geometry: Methods and Applications, Mathematical Analysis and Applications. |