Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

Dr. Faiza Tayyab

Assistant Professor (ad hoc)
Dr. Faiza Tayyab
Students' Education
I teach various modules at undergraduate and post-graduate level that include Qualitative Research Methods, Gender based Violence, Introduction to Sociology and Sociological Theories and Research Report Writing. Previously, I have taught research modules at undergraduate level to the students at the School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK. I am trained to lead seminars and tutorials at undergraduate level and have experience of facilitating in-person and on-line sessions for students at the University of Leeds. In addition, I have also been involved in designing handbook for teaching assistants at the University of Leeds.
I am passionate about students’ education and have a huge emphasis on their writing skills. As non-natives, we all struggle to write in English. Therefore, I run regular writing sessions in the department and on-line to make everyone included and to provide them a safe space to share their concerns and a supportive environment to write with some company. If you are interested to join this online community, we have a Facebook group ‘Writing Buddy’ that is just a click away:
Coordinator BS program in Gender Studies
Incharge students’ affairs
Department Focal person for Quality Enhancement
Professional Memberships
Member British Sociological Association
Research Interests
My research has a focus on gender-based violence with a particular emphasis on marginalised groups of the society. My work is influenced by various theoretical perspectives particularly the use of Intersectionality and Patriarchy to understand the complexity of domestic violence in the context of Pakistan. Methodologically, I am more inclined towards feminist ways of doing qualitative research and has used it in my PhD research. I have been a part of the Leeds Global Challenges Crucible 2021 and thus, I am inclined more towards interdisciplinary research as the complex realities of the world need interdisciplinary collaborations. I am open to any opportunity or joint venture that involve contributions from various disciplines.
Besides, I have presented papers and posters in various international conferences including Annual Conference of the European Sociological Association, Annual conference of the British Sociological Association, and ESSL Post-Graduate Conference at the University of Leeds. I have also given talks on my PhD project at various platforms including the British Federation of Women Graduates and presented my work in a Symposium on Violence, Harassment and Abuse: Enduring Inequalities and New Directions arranged by the School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds. I have been a reviewer of the Journal of Family Violence and have been involved in blind peer review of articles from various locations and contexts.
Media Links
Designation:- Assistant Professor (ad hoc)


