Dr. Shafiq Ur Rehman is an active and well-known personality of library and information science (LIS) in home and abroad. He has completed his doctoral degree (HEC sponsored) from France (2009-2012). He is first HEC scholar from LIS domain who completed PhD from abroad with the highest distinction (very honorable with the unanimous felicitation of the six member jury).
Dr. Shafiq engaged in teaching at all levels (BS, Master, MPhil and PhD) using relevant teaching methods, e.g. lectures, seminars, tutorials. He is carrying out independent research and published more than 85 research publications in national and international journals of repute including College & Research Libraries, Library Hi Tech, Journal of Librarianship and Information Science , Polymers, The Journal of Academic Librarianship, Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, portal: Libraries and the Academy, Information Development, Serials Review, Sage Open, International Endodontic Journal, BioMed Research International, Global Knowledge Memory and Communication etc. He also presented 17 research papers in international conferences. He is also supervising postgraduate research student projects and dissertations. As well as working as a Editor of Journal of Information Management & Libraries (Scopus indexed journal).
He has more than 26 years of professional, teaching and administrative experience at various universities and academic institutions across different countries such as France, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. He also received three cash prizes from the vice chancellor of university of the Punjab for excellent performance in library services. He is coordinator of continuing professional development cell of the department and organized different training programs for capacity building of information professionals, teachers and research scholars in the area of information literacy and research in home and abroad.
He has provided training in various research tools such as NVIVO, SPSS, Endnote, Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks Turnitin, Biblioshiny, VOSViewer, and have conducted more than 650 workshops and training sessions as a resource person in Pakistan and abroad. Furthermore, Dr. Shafiq has provided onsite and online training related to 35 training modules to more than 1500 university faculty members and researchers. He is the recipient of Info-share award of ASIST (American Society of Information Science and Technology) for the year 2012. He has also provided consultancy services to various libraries of Pakistan. He knows four languages (English, French, Urdu and Punjabi).
Area of Specialization:
Library service quality, bibliometric, scientometric, qualitative research, user-centered information services, library leadership, mobile learning, research data management, scholarly communication, virtual reality, open access, knowledge hiding, green library, and information literacy. |