
Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab
Home > Quaid-i-Azam > Science > Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics

Centre of Excellence in Solid State Physics

Centre of Excellence (COE) in Solid State Physics (SSP) was established in 1973 and is primarily a research institute, which offers courses leading to M.Phil. degree. The facilities for pursuance of a Ph.D. degree are also provided. This branch of Physics is concerned with the study of structural and electronic properties of solids, and some of the sub-disciplines under study in the Centre are: crystal structure determination, optical properties of solids, semiconductor physics, thin films, surface physics, solar cells, solar thermal generation of energy, preparation and study of ferro-electric, ferro-magnetic and superconducting materials, liquid crystals, nano-ceramics etc. 

The COE in SSP is now equipped with adequate research facilities to offer the following 3 degree programs.
1. M.Phil. Solid State Physics (SSP)
2. M.Phil. Microelectronic Engineering & Semiconductor Physics (MESP)
3. M.S. Nanotechnology
For more details click here: http://cssp.edu.pk
Sample Paper - Solid State Physics
International Conference on Solid State Physics 2021

Teaching Faculty

Administrative Staff

Publications/ Research / Books

Seminar/ Conferences

