![]() Remote sensing is an emerging and demanding field in the modern technological era from national to international level. Remote Sensing studies related to applications are inherently interdisciplinary, multifaceted, and address complexities. Degree holders may find jobs at geospatial technology organizations, mapping companies, land surveying firms, research institutes, and in related applied technologies serving both in private and public sectors, and public utilities or government departments. Remote sensing graduates may also find jobs at consulting firm and scientific laboratories, where they have the opportunity to enhance their skills in remote sensing technologies and techniques. Moreover, they may support scientists in designing and conducting analysis based on remotely sensed data, facilitating the decisions for some optimal techniques using these modern datasets and relevant equipment etc.
Centre for Remote Sensing is a nexus for research, education, and training in remote sensing & its allied disciplines and their applications. The centre aims to provide a hub for scientific research, collaborations, and incubation of ideas encapsulating the use of observational data from space borne, airborne and ground-based sensors and in-situ measurements of land, water and atmosphere of the Earth and the outer space.