Pakistan Journal of Information Management and Libraries, Vol 21 (2019)

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How Children Gauge Information Trustworthiness in Online Search: Credible or Convenience Searcher?

Noorhidawati Abdullah, Siti Khairatul Razifah Basar



This study investigates children information search behaviour to inform about their search characteristics. The study uses a qualitative approach by observing and noting the children’s searching process. A total of 30 children aged 7-9 years participated in this study. The unobtrusively observation sessions were video-recorded on children's searching process via the Web. Probing interviews were used to gather understanding on how the children perceive information trustworthiness. The data was analysed using thematic coding approach. The finding highlighted two main characteristics of children search: Credible Searcher and Convenience Searcher. The children in general could gauge information trustworthiness and have confidence with regard to the relevance, reliability and the credibility of the resources. The children do not consider source reputation and currency as an important criterion when seeking information. This study contributes to a better understanding of information trustworthiness as reflected in young children’s information seeking processing.



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