University of the Punjab Conference Portal, Third International Conference on Engineering Sciences

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HAZOP Study of Oil and Gas Industry
Shagufta Ishtiaque

Last modified: 2017-09-22


Huge amounts of oil & gas (O&G) are consumed daily all around the world that are mainly       transported and distributed through pipelines. Integrity of these pipelines is of primary interest to Oil &Gas Companies, Consultants, Government   agencies, Consumers and other stakeholder. The main objective   of O&G Companies   is to provide regular supply from production area to consumer. Hence this type of industry cannot tolerate any production downtime due to hazardous operational condition. Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) is one of the best technique for the identification of process hazards and optimization. The main objective of this work is to analyze the hazards of existing O & G plant located near Karachi, Pakistan.

This paper deals with the cause and work stream of HAZOP and shows how this method is implemented in O & G sector in Pakistan. It was conducted by a team of 4-5 professional Engineers. On the basis of existing process flow diagram (PFD) and piping and instrumentation diagram (P&IDs) they identified about 14 risks  in the whole process. However after analysis of P & ID about 13 more safety measures were recommended and about 53 %, include regular / periodic checkups and maintenance. The recommendations have been implemented onsite within 2-3 months. Finally the deviation in the incoming gas flow pipeline has been controlled and hence   optimized the production.