University of the Punjab Conference Portal, Third International Conference on Engineering Sciences

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Title: Solar Panel a luxury or need
Owais Bin Khalid Dar

Last modified: 2017-10-10



Owais Bin Khalid Dar and Aun Abbasi


Department of Electrical Engineering, FAST University Lahore

Back ground: Solar power is produced by converting sunlight into electricity. This is carried out by solar panels, which are large flat panels consists of many solar cells. It is usually used in distant sites, however it is used in urban areas as well.

 Aims and Objectives: Study was based to find awareness and views of ordinary people for the usage of solar panel.

Method: Survey of people living in different areas of Lahore was carried out. Survey questions are made to collect the common man needs and their current power usage.

Survey report: Data was collected from people living in different areas with different socioeconomic status. It is observed that most people were informed about the solar energy system. But the most people were cautious about the money problem that either they did not have or did not want to spend it. However, some people were stubborn about not buying a solar panel due to their life style on Ups and Generators. On the other hand some people were happy to be informed about the different functionalities of solar panel. As solar panels save energy from their regular electricity bills.

Conclusion: It is concluded that the solar panel may become popular, if its cost is in the range of ordinary man like UPS.