University of the Punjab Conference Portal, 6th Symposium on Engineering Sciences

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Removal of Suspended Solid and turbidity from Wastewater Using Natural and Primary Coagulant

Last modified: 2016-12-02


Faisalabad is the third laregest city of Pakistan with average daily sweaage production of 280 million gallon per day.According to WASA there is a water treatment p[lant installed having a capacity to treat sewage water up to 20 MGD, which is totally insufficient for Faisalabad Division.the remaining 260 MGD water is discharged into two rivers(chenab and Ravi) surrounding of Faisalabad Area.This untreated water results an increase in COD and BOD.It also deteriorates the quality of the water in the river and surrounding bunderground water.Various techniques have been developed to treat the water before discharging into environment,one of which is the present paper a cougalant aid (Eucalptus bark) has been identified as an effective addition which results in 11-15% decrease in overall consumption of primary cougalant(Aluminum sulfate).The objective of the study was to reduce total suspended solids (TSS) and turbidity from the sewage water usiing a primary coagulant along with a natural coagulant aid. maximum TSS removal was achieved usiong Aluminum Sulfate and Eucalyptus bark as natural coagulant aid at 60 mesh,pH 8,at 1 g/l feed rate and temperature vof 30 0C.