Conference Policies

Conference Call

  • Keynote addresses
  • Oral presentations (Abstracts/Presentations)
  • Poster presentations
  • Exhibition & Stalls (Govt + Private organizations)


Best Presentation/Poster Awards

Best presentations and posters will be awarded with cash prizes, shields, medals, certificates and Membership of Association of Professionals for Remote Sensing, GIS and Climate Change (ARGC).  


Conference Venue

Al-Razi Hall, Quaid-i-Azam / New Campus, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

Lat/Long:        31°30'8.26"N, 74°18'20.72"E


Conference Events

  • Technical Sessions (Oral/Poster presentations)
  • Workshops
  • Tree plantation drive/move
  • ARGC Society membership
  • Field Trip (for international participants)
  • Night Gala


Important Dates

Conference Dates:                              13 - 15 March 2023

Abstract/Poster Submission:               13 February 2023

Abstract Acceptance:                           20 February 2023

Registration Deadline:                         27 February 2023

Presentation/Poster Submission:        27 February 2023


Conference Mode

Face-to-Face & Online

(Online/hybrid mode would be available to international participants upon request)


Invitation Message

The International Conference on Remote Sensing, GIS, and Climate Change (RSGCC-2023) is going to be organized by the Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL), (National Center of GIS and Space Applications, NCGSA) and the Centre for Remote Sensing, University of the Punjab, Lahore (Pakistan) from 13 to 15 March 2023.

The conference will provide registrants a golden opportunity to meet and greet with world-renowned scientists, researchers, and academicians in person to discuss research challenges and solutions, unleash and share new ideas and avenues, and initiate joint projects and collaborations with industry and research institutes working in Remote Sensing, GIS, Climate Change and allied research domains.

We are looking forward to your valuable research contributions (abstracts, presentations, and posters) relevant to the conference themes. We warmly welcome you at the largest and the oldest university of Pakistan located in the historical and culturally alive and vibrant city of Lahore - The heart of Pakistan.


Dr. Zia-ul-Haq (Chief Organizer)


For inquiries and updated information


RSGCRL Factbook 2020-22


Conference Organizing Team

Patron in Chief:

Vice Chancellor

University of the Punjab

VC sb

Chief Organizer:

Dr. Zia-ul-Haq

Director/Principal Investigator (PI)

Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL)

(National Center of GIS and Space Applications, NCGSA)

Centre for Remote Sensing, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

General Secretary: ARGC (

Conference Chair

Dean Faculty of Sciences

University of the Punjab


Conference Secretary:

Dr. Shahid Parvez

Lab Member and Assistant Professor

Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL) (National Center of GIS and Space Applications, NCGSA)

Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Vice President (Remote Sensing): ARGC (

Conference Deputy Secretary:

Dr. Khalid Mehmood

Co-PI and Assistant Professor

Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL) (National Center of GIS and Space Applications, NCGSA)

Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Vice President (GIS): ARGC (

Conference Technical Committee:

Dr. Syeda Adila Batool

Co-PI and Associate Professor

Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL) (National Center of GIS and Space Applications, NCGSA)

Department of Space Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Vice President (Climate Change): ARGC (

Dr. Asim Daud Rana

Lab Member and Assistant Professor

Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL) (National Center of GIS and Space Applications, NCGSA)

Centre for Remote Sensing, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

President: ARGC (

Dr. Salman Tariq

Co-PI and Assistant Professor

Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL) (National Center of GIS and Space Applications, NCGSA)

Centre for Remote Sensing, University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Finance Secretary: ARGC (

Guest Editor: Journal of Atmospheric

Dr. Syed Muhammad Irteza

Research Associate

Remote Sensing, GIS and Climatic Research Lab (RSGCRL) (National Center of GIS and Space Applications, NCGSA)

University of the Punjab, Lahore.

Information Secretary: ARGC (

Conference Support Team:

Mr. Ammar Hameed

Mrs. Fiza Faizi

Mr. Usman Mehmood

Mr. Shafqat Ali

Mr. Hasan Nawaz

Mrs. Ayesha Azhar

Miss Ayesha Mariam

Mrs. Iqra Basit

Miss Hafsa Shahzad

Miss Fizza Hafeez

Mr. Mudasar Ashraf



Conference Themes

(i)   Climate/Climate Change, Meteorology, and the Atmosphere

  • Climate change adaptation and mitigation
  • Atmospheric and meteorological parameters
  • Greenhouse gases, trace gases, emissions and concentrations
  • Weather information and forecasting
  • Carbon budgets
  • El Nino and La Nina effects

(ii)   Geohazards and Disasters

  • Floods
  • Droughts
  • Earthquakes
  • Dust Storms
  • Cyclones, Tornadoes
  • Forest Fires
  • Land-Sliding
  • Avalanches
  • Understanding risks, response, and recovery
  • Disaster alert, preparedness, and mitigation
  • Natural hazard regulations and policymaking
  • Forest fires and environmental impacts

(iii)    Agriculture and Food Security

  • Agriculture monitoring
  • Crop identification
  • Crop area, yield estimation and forecasting
  • Food security and early warning
  • Plant disease monitoring
  • Combating desertification

(iv)   Forest, Biodiversity, and Ecosystems

  • Forest characterization and biomass estimation
  • Monitoring deforestation, degradation, and restoration
  • Land cover monitoring
  • Land surface dynamics
  • Wetlands, Biodiversity conservation
  • Wildlife monitoring
  • Sustainable development through ecosystem accounting
  • Impacts of climate change on ecosystems and forests

(v)   Water Resources and Water Cycle

  • Water Resources (Surface, underground)
  • Hydrological studies/applications
  • Glaciology, Cryosphere studies,
  • Oceanography, Bathymetry
  • Wetlands monitoring
  • Water resource management
  • Water quality and invasive species in water bodies
  • Water scarcity and security in major river systems
  • Water bodies as a sustainable resource for fishery, tourism and transportation
  • Soil moisture, soil erosion, corrosion
  • Understanding the water cycle and the major impacting factors
  • Desertification and droughts

(vi)  Marine and Coastal Environment Resources and Dynamics

  • Understanding and monitoring marine and coastal environments and resources
  • Healthy Coastal Economy
  • Operational monitoring of Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated (IUU) fishing
  • Offshore operations and marine pollution
  • Ship traffic
  • Ocean state and dynamics
  • Marine forests
  • Marine ecosystems
  • Marine landuse/landcover change assessment

(vii)  Urbanization, Sustainable/Smart Societies, and Industrialization

  • Urban planning (town, city, and regional planning)
  • Urban heat island
  • Urban sprawl and its impacts
  • Industrialization and impacts
  • Infrastructure and transportation
  • Infrastructure planning
  • Smart cities
  • 3D Building Information Management Systems
  • Sustainable development goal indicators
  • Socio-economic development
  • Smart cities
  • Improving Connectivity
  • Archaeology and Culture heritage

(viii) Public Health

  • Monitoring infectious disease outbreaks
  • Vector-borne diseases
  • Water-related diseases
  • Air quality and health
  • Smog and its impacts
  • Impact of extreme weather conditions
  • Geospatial data for developing resilient and sustainable public health systems
  • Heatwaves and impacts
  • Monitoring and tracking of heatwaves

(ix)   Change and Adaptation in Deltaic and High Mountain Systems

  • Impact of climate change on food and feed, Impact on water scarcity, natural hazards regulation
  • How climate change affects spirituality and cultural identity, aesthetics, and recreation
  • Building technical capacity to analyze, visualize, interpret, and integrate data from observations into services
  • Use of optical data from one or multi-channel spectral imagers or RGB cameras, image processing, computer vision, and machine learning; also interested in medical and bio-medical image problems, underwater species especially in Coral reefs and other endangered areas
  • Permafrost hydrology
  • Paleo-permafrost features and their climatic relevance

(x)   Geology

  • Structural Geology and Tectonics
  • Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
  • Geomorphology
  • Geological Engineering
  • Mineralogy
  • Petrology & Volcanology
  • Seismology

(xi) Data and Information Systems and Spatial Data Infrastructures

  • Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry [Sensors (optical, microwave, thermal, hyperspectral, LIDAR), and their applications],
  • Digital Earth, current & future Earth observation missions & programmes, observation data, data products & models
  • Multi-sensor data processing techniques, interoperability, and analytics
  • GIS and its applications
  • Android, Desktop, and Online geospatial applications
  • Standards, interfaces, and systems for spatial data
  • Big data challenges and solutions
  • Real-time operational systems

(xii)  Capacity building, networking, resource sharing

  • Capacity building, education, and outreach
  • Sharing of geospatial resources (data, software, labs, computing machines, human resources)
  • Networking, collaboration, and its importance
  • Open source and software/algorithms/models, data, services, etc.

(xiii) Other theme(s)

  • Abstracts (presentation/poster) from other themes are welcome (subject to the approval of Conference Technical Committee)


Abstract Submission Form for Oral or Poster Presentation

Please fill in the Form to submit your Abstract for Oral and/or Poster Presentation (as per given templates) to participate in RSGCC-2023. The fields marked with * are mandatory.

Abstract/poster submission Link



Important Notes

1. The abstracts submitted for Oral and/or Poster Presentations will be peer reviewed by the Conference Technical & Manuscript Review Committee and corresponding authors of the selected abstracts will be communicated via email for submission of registration fee.

2. Registered candidates (whose abstracts are accepted) will send soft copies of their presentations and posters (as per given templates below) via email at

Presentation Template Link

Poster Template Link

3. Presentation time would be 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes Q&A session. Best presentations will be awarded with cash prizes, shields, medals, certificates and ARGC Membership.

4. Participants will bring their Posters in printed forms on 13 March 2023 which would then be displayed at Stands during the conference days. Best presentations will be awarded with cash prizes, shields, medals, certificates and ARGC Membership.



Please deposit Registration Fee as per the details given below;









 USD 250

USD 50


 USD 100

USD 30



 PKR 3,000



 PKR 1,000


 PKR 500


Registration fee includes;

  • Conference kit, certificate, and refreshments.
  • Membership of ARGC.
  • Boarding & lodging and pick & drop services for international participants.
  • Local participants from other cities would be facilitated regarding accommodation and transport services upon request (as per actual charges).


Bank Details

Registration fee is only acceptable through bank transaction.


Account No.     2045004169283698

IBAN:              PK78NBPA2045004169283698

Swift Code:      NBPAPKKA02L

Bank Address: National Bank of Pakistan (NBP)

Quaid-i-Azam Campus Branch

University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

Please send bank payment receipt at:




Funding & Sponsorships

Limited number of funding opportunities (full and partial) are available to national and international participants.



Technical & Manuscript Review Committee

To be announced later.