South Asian Studies, Vol 25, No 1 (2010)

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US Role in Bending Democracy during Cold War: A Case Study of Pakistan

Khawaja Alqama, Rafida Nawaz


History does not come neatly packaged in distinct periods but in order to find clarity of facts, to identify a ‘regime of truth’, we mark such epochs. End of the Second World War was in fact the beginning of one such period, a new phase in world affairs, in which the European state system was extended to what had previously been colonies. The century was reckoned to be the century of freedom of nations. But while in letter, the system may have been based on the principle of the equality of nations in spirit, the system was a hierarchy in which “the United States was the hegemonic power” with a contender Soviet Union. Events of the second half of the twentieth century made it evident that actors on the international stage were judged, condemned, classified and determined in their undertakings, according to two dominant modes of living, i.e., Liberalism and Communism. The term ‘Cold War’, coined by George Orwell to name this particular era was heralded by President Truman in his address to Congress on March 12, 1947. During Cold War period, world was divided between those who hailed the U.S as a leader of the world forces of human freedom and those who saw it as an imperialist power. This article comprises of two sections. a. In the first sections, following two prepositions will be tested. 1) US policy makers after the World War II were committed to promote values of freedom, democracy and individual Rights. 2) Liberal ideology and theory of individual rights were mere masks veiling the interests of a global capitalist class to acquire legitimacy of power by the U.S. The first section will also trace, therefore, the genealogy of democratic principle after Second World War in third world countries while the struggle for democracy in Pakistan will be studied to test the above mentioned prepositions. b. In the second section, third preposition will be examined by making Pakistan a case study. As during the Cold War period the US was responsible for bending democratic Principles in order to promote the interests of a propertied class. Within the American sphere of influence totalitarian, military and personal rule were promoted, patronized and protected by the US to promote its national interests/interests of global capitalism. 

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