South Asian Studies, Vol 25, No 2 (2010)

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Security, Political Dimensions and Consequences of NATO Expansion in the Region

Rana Eijaz Ahmad


After the disintegration of Soviet Union in 1991, America became the sole super power in the world. America is facing the worst ever neocolonialism today. She is under the thumb of a very small Jewish lobby that holds the strings of American government through their multinational corporations (MNCs) that have been transformed into multinational governments (MNGs), with their own agenda and constitution, based on profit maximization and self-aggrandizement, assisted by international financial institutions (IFIs), World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) expansion in the eastern region of the world is a categorical expression of the West to dominate the political and economic resources of the region. There are less economic resources in the world and more competitors in the form of America, Britain, Canada, European Union, China, France, Germany, India, Iran, Italy, and Russia. This research paper intends to expose the reality that NATO expansion is based on the political and economic domination of the world by America and its allies. The states which are sovereign in their internal and external affairs and deny western influence in state affairs, are facing western aggression in the form of political, economic and military sanctions. Iran is denying western influence and following its own policies. It is unacceptable for the west but Iran and other countries have to remain out of western dependentia to keep themselves sovereign and respectable in the community of nations. Iran has to adopt a diplomatic approach to resolve its bitter relations with the West especially with America. The consequence of NATO expansion may receive a strong repulsion from the Eastern countries. The gist of the matter is this imposition which has never been welcomed by any one. The NA

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