South Asian Studies, Vol 26, No 1 (2011)

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Sovereignty of People-Pakistan: A Case Study

A. Q. Sial


Pakistan got freedom from British colonial rule under the Indian Independence Act 1947. Constituent Assembly initiated the process of framing federal parliamentary constitution. The process was not accomplished until 1956. Failing in constituting state structure on merits, ruling class of the country took refuge in provisions of Imperial Acts of eighteenth century and deprived people to function as sovereign nation. The paper presents substance of corresponding Articles of constitutions of Pakistan and the government of India Act 1935 containing identical drive of rulers over popular will of the nation. Independence of state means independence of the nation. It is obtained to develop system of self-rule so that rights and obligations of the state must actually vest in the population. When it happens so, the state becomes fully sovereign capable of claiming, operating and maintaining its sovereign status. Present political system has been obtained to operate in which sovereignty of people is in distress. The nation is not working as sovereign and political system has emerged with uneven constitutional format, which is in practical resemblance of colonial status. The conditions are producing issues confronting sovereign character of Pakistan. The study will 

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