South Asian Studies, Vol 26, No 2 (2011)

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The Lingering Impact of Colonization on Pakistan: Negative or Positive?

Nadia Saleem, Faqiha Rizvi


The British rule had a lasting Impact on the lives of the Indian people. They exploited the Indian territory for their own interests and left the land in more disorder and confusion than they found it in as (1) their attitude of superiority shattered the confidence of the people, (2) their agrarian revolution did not help improve yield and caused landholdings to become more fragmented, (3) the Indian industry was not protected and many traditional ones were ruined , (4) education was not made easily accessible , (5) construction of railways although improved transportation however was not done keeping the Indian interests but the British interests in mind and (6) the new political system which lacked personal element was not more effective than the old one. 

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