South Asian Studies, Vol 27, No 1 (2012)

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Brasstacks Crisis 1986-87

Iram Khalid


The 1986-87 crises arose from the unusually large Indian military exercise code named Brasstacks. This exercise was carried out very close to the Indian border with Pakistan which was again very unusual. It was a brainchild of the Indian Army Moreover, the Brasstacks confrontation contributed to the incorporation of nuclear calculations in regional crisis behavior. This dimension is later believed to have contributed towards setting the milieu of the Kashmir crisis of 1990. The crisis, and perhaps the apparent success of its deterrent value, had undoubtedly confirmed to the Pakistani decision-makers the importance of nuclear weapons as a balance to Indian’s conventional military superiority. The focus of this research is to high light the main trends of crisis decision making both in Pakistan as well as in IndiaPresent study explores the role of perception and misperception during the crisis situation between two rival states. 

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