South Asian Studies, Vol 28, No 1 (2013)

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Indo-US Civilian Nuclear Deal: The Gainer and the Loser

Dr. Zahid Ali Khan


The US-India nuclear deal of July, 2005, is a remarkiable development in the framework of overall India-US relationship.The Indo- US Deal is a clear manifestation of the US’ ultimate desire to recognize India as the leading power in the region, despite of the fact, that Pakistan is a close partner of US in the war against global terrorism, and major non-NATO ally. India came out as the principal beneficiary of this deal. The deal fulfilled India’s longstanding geo-strategic objectives, it’s nuclear and missile predominance, and it’s aggressive and evil designs in the region.. Under the deal, India will get the capability to produce 50 warheads a year. The deal turns out to be unfair and discriminatory in the sense that it has bestowed India with all the benefits of a nuclear weapons state without any international obligations. The qualitative and quantitative improvement of India’s nuclear arsenal would adversely affect the deterrence stability in South Asia. The nuclear deal will further enhance Indian capability to have pre-emptive attack against Pakistan. This study looks at the security concerns of Pakistan in the wake of this new relationship. 

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