South Asian Studies, Vol 28, No 2 (2013)

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Imperilaism of Media and Developing Countries

Dr Munawar Sabir


During the history of mankind imperialism basically was in the forms of politics and economy. But due to the information revolution media emerged as the central mean and cause of domination not only for politics and economy but culture as well. During the twentieth century media emerged as the forth and central pillar of the society in the world and as usual again dominated by the western countries and was centralized at the few hands of transnational media groups especially USA. Media imperialism emerged from the west and it created entirely new phenomenal dominance of media to control, mange and change the culture of developing countries of the world. Then at national level few media groups created a media monopoly. Then at national level few media groups created a media monopoly so developing countries of the world are under the media war fare. But the advent of social media has neutralized this dominance to certain extend and gradually competing the rage of media imperialism of the west. This paper focuses on this aspect that, how social media is enabling the third world countries to set and maintain their own cultural agenda instead of only following the western media .After the traditional media i.e. newspapers, radio and television, a new form of media emerged in the form of social media due to the latent but robust product of internet. This social media is acquiring strength day by day and now has become a potential competitor of traditional electronic and print media

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