South Asian Studies, Vol 29, No 1 (2014)

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Ethnic Politics: An Issue to National Integration (The Case of Pakistan)

Dr. Rehana Saeed Hashmi


National integration has remained an evolving pursue in all the post-colonial divided societies. Although various approaches and strategies of national integration have been opted , but the situation remained complex. The state of Pakistan is also facing problems in the creation of national integration. These problems are due to conflicting socio-political fibre of Pakistani Society which was not handled properly. The diverse fibre of Pakistani Society was based on its ethnic composition. The state adopted an authoritarian policy to expand and consolidate its power and position. While responding authoritarian policy, ethnic groups provoked ethnic politics and started movements for the preservation of their identity. With due course of time, these ethnic movements become a challenge to the national integration. The study has its focus on various approaches to national integration. The research has also highlighted that although federalism is the best suited system for plural societies but effective working of federal institutions is required. For the creation of national integration, assimilationist strategy should be avoided and a pluralistic approach must be incorporated. Central government’s role as facilitator can diffuse the tension and brighten the process of national integration.

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