South Asian Studies, Vol 30, No 2 (2015)

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Structuralism and the Indo-Pak Rivalry: Responsible PoliticoEconomic Factors and Policy Analysis

Syed Hussain Shaheed Soherwordi, Reena Abbasi, Tabassum Javed


Ever since the partition of Indian subcontinent in 1947, India and Pakistan have marched on the path of mutual animosity. Both the countries are struggling to clear out their relation clouded by the debris of partition. Not only are Indo-Pakistani relations tremendously explosive, intertwined as they are with communal relations and internal power struggles in both countries. With their inherently linked foreign policies, both countries have used the Indo-Pak segregation to muster support of their conjugal hard-liners against each other. The historic rivalry is further heightened by the efforts of the ruling government of both the nations. They play an eminent role to ignite antagonistic feelings against each other to suffice their agendas such as winning public support and to divert the attention of the masses from real issues especially economic turbulences. 

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