South Asian Studies, Vol 31, No 1 (2016)

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KASHMIR: A Conflict between India and Pakistan

Dr. Abdul Majid, Dr. Mahboob Hussin


India’s efforts to integrate Kashmir into Indian Union did not succeed because the major Kashmiri leaders and parties resisted these efforts. The Kashmiris want that they should themselves decide about their political future, as committed to them by the UN Resolutions of 1948-49. Indian leadership contests this and use force to crush this demand. This has caused a perpetual conflict between the Indian authorities and the people of Kashmir. India has been using security establishment to control Kashmir which often resulted in human rights violations in Kashmir. Indian actions are driven by the consideration of keeping Kashmir under its control irrespective of the human rights or other cost. The excessive use of security forces and state power by India has the Kashmir Valley into a “Human Tragedy.” 

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