South Asian Studies, Vol 31, No 1 (2016)

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Iran’s Nuclear Agreement: Rethinking Pakistan’s Middle East Policy

Prof. Dr. Iram Khalid, Aiysha Safdar


The recent P5+1 nuclear agreement with Iran has openeda new era of geo-politics in the region and beyond. It has concurrently thrown up new challenges and opportunities rejuvenating oil politics with Asia-Pacific as its locus. Mired in internal strife and tearing itself apart, the Middle East is witnessing emergence of a new political order. Saudi Arabia may no longer be the key regional arbiter in foreseeable future. Pakistan’s enduring cold war relationship with Washington and revolution in Iran distanced the two countries. The unrelenting killing of Shias in Pakistan till recently further widened the chasm between Islamabad and Tehran. The nuclear agreement and ongoing strife and exceptionally muddled situation in the Middle East yearns for a new look foreign policy by Pakistan. With realignments underway, firm political resolve by Islamabad to accomplish the agreed points under NAP most expeditiously must be followed by imploring new avenues for a closer and warmer relationship with Tehran. Failure to do so is fraught with risk to Pakistan’s internal and external security

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