Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

The Accounting and Finance Horizons (AFH) provides an outlook of research advancements and understandings in the field of accounting and finance. It publishes articles, case studies and book reviews that consider issues regarding Accounting and Finance and all sister fields of finance. It includes papers those are interdisciplinary in nature but the major disciplines covered by AFH are:

• Financial Accounting
• Financial Reporting
• Audit and Assurance
• Taxation
• Tariffs and Duties
• Public Sector Accounting (Governmental Accounting)
• Corporate Auditing & Assurance
• Public Sector Audit
• Management Accounting
• Performance Management
• Islamic Accounting and Finance
• Forensic Accounting
• Corporate Governance
• Corporate Social Responsibility
• Public Finance
• Financial Management
• Corporate Finance
• Entrepreneurial finance

The prime goal of AFH is to disseminate the ideas and thoughts about finance to academicians, researchers, practitioners and all those who can benefit from it. It aims to include paper from all over the world without any discrimination. Papers will be preferred which can be applied at any level and can benefit society.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

After plagiarism check with Turnitin and a preliminary editorial review, articles are sent to two/three referees for double blind review. Authors are informed about comments of the referees for revising the article accordingly, if required. The review process may take two to three months.


Publication Frequency



Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Foreign/International Editorial Board

Rodney James Alexander Wilson
Emeritus Professor, Durham University
Siti Zaleha Binti Abdul Rasid IBS
Associate Chair
School of Graduate Studies
Level 8, Menara Razak
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala Lumpur
Jalan Sultan Yahya Petra, 54100 Kuala Lumpur

Dr. Habib-ur-Rahman
Unit 16, 132 High Street,
Southport, Gold Coast,
QLD 4215, Australia.

Dr. Abdul Rauf
Professor in School of
Management Science and
Engineering, Nanjing
University of Science and
Technology, Nanjing

Abdul Ghafoor
Department of Finance, School of Business
Monash University 47500, Subang Jaya, Malaysia

Suleman Sarwar
Assistant Professor
Finance and Economics Department, University of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia



Local/National Editorial Board

Dr. Ahmad Fraz
Department of Economics and Finance
Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE)
Quaid-i-Azam University Campus
Dr. Adeel Nasir
Assistant Professor
Lahore College for Women University

Dr. Muhammad Jam-e-Kausar Ali Asghar
Associate Professor
Department of Management Sciences
The University of Lahore

Dr. Bilal Latif
Assistant Professor
National Defence University

Dr. Javid Iqbal
House No. 491-G. Street No. 32,
Margalla Town, Phase 1, Islamabad




Review Policy

After plagiarism check with Turnitin and a preliminary editorial review, articles are sent to two/three referees for double blind review. Authors are informed about comments of the referees for revising the article accordingly, if required. The review process may take two to three months.


Review Guidelines

Reviewers should respond with in stipulated time frame, which is one week (7 days) for the journal.
Reviewers should try to fill in all the parts of reviewers report so that a fair judgment regarding the quality of the paper can be made
As review is essential step towards publication process, every reviewer is therefore supposed to be fair in reviewing.
Any reviewer who feels him/herself as unqualified, or not having judgment idea or deficit of time should inform editor promptly, so that the paper can be forwarded elsewhere.
The review should be objective one, and personal feelings, judgments or biasness should not affect the review and its outcomes.
A reviewer should not review a paper that discusses any point that might have conflict of opinion with reviewer.
No manuscript should be reviewed which is authored, co-authored or authored by some known person/s, in order to avoid biasness.
A manuscript sent for review is confidential document, so it should be treated fairly and secretary and should not be shown somewhere else.
Reviewers should comment on each point clearly so that the judgment regarding acceptance/rejection or changes may be made on the basis of review
If reviewer notices any similarity with any other paper published in any other journal, containing same contents and that issued should be addressed to editor.