International Journal of Business Reflections, Vol 1, No 2 (2020)

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Muhammad Ehsan Elahi


The smart phone industry is the fastest growing industry now a days. There are a lot of organizations in the world now, who generate the smart phone. All organization like to satisfy their customer and then retain them for the long time to build up a strong brand relationships and loyal customer base. Brand leave a very strong effect on the life of the people, people feel proud and satisfaction to have a certain brand which can be highlight their personalities and cause to have more respect and show their prosperity in society. For this purpose, all the organization want to capture most of the market share. For to creating and increasing the brand loyalty among the customer, organization needs to work on some independent variables which are directly infect the brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is the dependent variable, and it can be up and down with the effect of its independent variable. The purpose of this study is to investigate and examine the effects of Brand Identification (BI), Brand Satisfaction (BS) and Brand Commitments (BC) on the Brand Loyalty (BL). How much increase or decrease in BL is caused by one of the independent variable values increase or decrees. In this study primary and secondary data were used. The secondary data collected from the relevant literature, books, online journals, and articles. The primary data collected from the population of Lahore.

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