Journal of Media Studies, Vol 33, No 1 (2018)

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Media Coverage of Street Harassment of Women in Bangladesh: A Study on National Dailies

Mustak Ahmed, Abdullah Al Mamun Hussain, Rajoanna Karim Mowly, Sonia Haque Tulee


"Eve-teasing" commonly referred to as "street harassment" or sexualharassment is identified as one of the most devastating problems inBangladesh, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. Despite rise in eveteasingcases in the year 2009-10, it has not been given dueprominence in newspapers. This study aims to examine the role ofthe Bangladeshi national newspapers in covering eve-teasing relatednews in this year when eve-teasing was one of the most alarmingsocial problems in Bangladesh. Did media play a role in covering eveteasingrelated news and raising awareness among people? For thispurpose, the researchers conducted content analysis of two nationaldailies "Daily Prothom Alo" and "Daily Jugantor" during the year2010. The results show a lack of responsibility on the part of theselected newspapers when it comes to addressing the severity of eveteasingin Bangladesh. Media reports need to address the issue as asymptomatic of broader gender inequality issue.


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