Journal of Media Studies, Vol 35, No 1 (2020)

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Exploring the Organizational Factors That Influence Creativity: A Study on Advertising Agencies of Pakistan

Hamnah Rahat, Adeel Naqvi


Present study aims to study the factors affecting creativity in the advertisements in Pakistan. KEYS encouragement of creativity, autonomy or freedom, resources, pressures, and organizational impediments to Creativity and Innovation assessment tool was used to identify factors affecting creativity. The findings show that though the top management in advertising agencies encourage their employees to be creative by offering financial rewards and verbal encouragement, but the clients they were working for, generally do not accept creative ideas to market their brand because of unwillingness to take risks and limitations in budgets. The findings of the study will help the branding agencies and brands to work together for creating an environment that fosters creativity in their organizations which can then be reflected in the advertisements. 


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