Journal of Media Studies, Vol 35, No 2 (2020)

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Media Employee Performance and High Work Practices (A Special Context toCOVID-19)

Mohsin ., Taha Shabbir, Masroor Khanum


The present study aims to examine the relationship of high performance work practices (training, empowerment and rewards) with employee performance in their media organization in the context ofCOVID-19 pandemic. Three HR practices (training, empowerment and rewards) are examined in a cross-sectional sample of 334 male and female media workers by recording responses using self- reported questionnaires. Structural equation modeling is used to analyze the responses. Social exchange theory is used in order to explain the relationship of loyalty between organization and worker. The results show a weak relationship of the selected high performance work practices of media employee during COVID-19. Empowerment is having negative relationship with performance that nullifies the existing evidence. The media organizations have to re-think about the work practices being used in the organizations for achieving better performance. Training and reward regarding using organizational resources may also be considered as a remedy. Using organizational resources and time appropriately with develop trust among the employer and employees thus fostering performance. The fourth industrial context which is the implementation of science and technology in every field is considered for examining the linkages. The final result indicates a weak relation among the media employee because it leads towards the misuse of empowerment. Therefore proper check and balance is recommended before empowering the employees of media houses. This is because the workers may have more inclination towards availing benefits of technological revolution especially during a recent pandemic of COVID-19.


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