Journal of Media Studies, Vol 35, No 2 (2020)

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Factors Affecting Investigative Journalism in Pakistan: Exploring Journalists’ Perceptions

Javaid ur Rahman, Saqib Riaz


Investigative journalism is an important part of journalism practices as it unveils the matters that are deliberately hidden from society. This study aims to examine how journalists perceive the factors affecting investigative journalism in Pakistan. More specifically, how intra, extra, and within-media elements influence media content and decisions of coverage. Through purposive sampling method and for data collection procedure, structured questionnaire tool was utilized. The results showed that certain forces inside and outside the media organizations impact media content in Pakistan. These influences include organizational sources, pressure groups, personal biases, job threats, economic constraints. Thus the study proposes that journalism in Pakistan can meet its true objectives only by dealing or at least minimizing the factors affecting investigative journalism in Pakistan. 


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