Journal of Media Studies, Vol 36, No 1 (2021)

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A Case for Incorporation of New Media Aspects in the Pakistan’s Mass Communication Curriculum

Abdulhamid Mpoza, Madiha Maqsood


There is an increased use of interactive digital communication technologies in the media organizations which have brought tremendous changes in the daily lives of millions of people across the globe. However the challenge is how far media educational institutions in Pakistan have kept with the pace in curriculum redesigning. Through documents analysis and in-depth interviews, this study shows that the new media (social media) aspects are mostly offered as an optional course. At undergraduate level, introduction to social media and online journalism are offered in fourth and fifth semesters respectively. Digital Media is offered to students of MPhil (research and professional tracks) as an elective course in second semester. The media educators and curriculum developers interviewed acknowledge the existing gaps in the curriculum and recommend practical steps towards improving it with inclusion of new relevant aspects even beyond new media. The study confirmed that the way mass communication educators are adapting to the new media technologies is in line with the Fidler's (1997) principles of mediamorphosis. The paper observes a huge academia-industry gap which must urgently be addressed through curriculum review and mutual partnerships.


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