Journal of Media Studies, Vol 36, No 2 (2021)

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Social Media Usage Patterns Among University Students In Urban Lahore

Mudassar Hussain, Robina Saeed, Zaeem Yasin


Social media have transformed the communication patterns on a wider scale at the dawn of this century at an increasing speed. There is a need to measure these patterns on regular basis to research the shift in cultural transformation. The current study aims to find the overall social media usage patterns, the selection of media for using Facebook, use of Facebook to communicate with social relations and the mass media as reasons for Facebook use among university students. By using purposive sampling method the students were selected from two educational institutes in Lahore (N=500). The study had used quantitative approach of cross-sectional survey. All the university students were found to be using Facebook but majority was also using WhatsApp and YouTube. Smart phone was found to be prominent medium for Facebook use. Majority of university students were using Facebook for the motive of communicating with friends rather than communicating with the family.


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