Journal of Media Studies, Vol 37, No 1 (2022)

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Exposure to Multiple Communication Channels and Preventive Behaviors during COVID-19 in Pakistan: An Application of Extended Parallel Process Model

Muhammad Awais, Farahat Ali, Asma Kanwal


COVID-19 has been declared as a pandemic in March 2020. Pakistan became the 20th most-affected country as of June, the same year. This study attempts to explore the relationship between exposure to different communication channels and preventive behaviors during COVID-19. The study finds its conceptual roots in the Extended Parallel Process Model (EPPM) which described the two components (i.e. threat, efficacy) through which communication could influence the adoption of preventive behaviors during a health crisis. A Survey of 620 students was collected in the month of May and June from different Pakistani universities. The study extended the EPPM model to be used on measuring the behavioral effect of the exposure to multiple communication channels along with suggesting the health professional and government officials take into account the four components of threat and efficacy during COVID-19 to effectively implement the strategies about preventive behaviors. Findings show a positive association between exposure to different communication channels and preventive behaviors. Moreover, the components of the theoretical underpinning positively mediated the relationship.


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