Journal of Media Studies, Vol 37, No 1 (2022)

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Ready-made content: is that fair? Pakistani English Newspapers Reliance on International News Agencies

Lubna Shaheen, Muhammad Tarique, Fatima Raza


A major portion of Pakistani national press is filled with news and commentaries taken from the global press i.e., Agency France-Presse, Associated Press, Reuters, Washington Post, The New York Times, Los Angeles Times etc. News from foreign press are reproduced on multiple pages in Pakistani English newspapers. The study based on nine in-depth interviews with the journalists1 responsible for content selection and formation of foreign pages in the three newspapers i.e., Dawn, the News & the Nation. The results of the study showed that National English Newspapers are highly influenced by the global press. It was also noted that the national press lacked resources, commitment and capacity to gather international news of its own. As a result, they just relied on the foreign press for information.   


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