Journal of Media Studies, Vol 37, No 2 (2022)

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Ranking of Economic Issues of Pakistan: Print Media and Audience Perspective

Hayam Qayyoum, Qurat ul Ain Malik


The purpose of the study is to analyze the opinion of audience and print media about ranking of economic issues of Pakistan. During the pandemic COVID-19 world faced economic crisis, inflation and set back in business. Therefore, the perspective regarding economic issue is changed and dire need to analyzing agenda of print media and audience agenda on economic issue of Pakistan for one year (March 2020 till March 2021). The research question of the study is, "whether and to what extent, the relation exists between print media and audience in ranking the economic issue of Pakistan." For this purpose, content analysis of mainstream and high circulation newspapers were examined, quantitatively. The people of Islamabad is the population, from which the sample of 150 was drawn conveniently. Variables of this research was salience of issues and rank order. Statistical test, Spearman rank order correlation was opted to test the hypothesis H, "The more coverage of economic issues of Pakistan in the print media, more is importance for audience." It revealed that there is very weak strength of association exists between print media agenda and audience agenda. It signifies that audience opinion and print media perspective are not the same. Audience give preference to the issue which media does not. Preference and importance of economic issue for both entities are different from one another.


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