Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol 2, No 1 (2016)

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Gwadar Port Pakistan; Implications for Region

Sajid Hussain, Muhammad Ayaz Khan


Changing pattern of world’s politics brought Gwadar port under the limelight of policy makers. The port located on the confluence of important regions, emerged as regional hub of energy and resources transportation. The port and its related infrastructure is a way to integrate these economies which would ultimately cause regional integration. Major objective of the study is to expose economic and strategic importance of Gwadar port and to find out its impacts on region’s
integration. To achieve the mentioned objective empirical, descriptive, analytical and predictive methodology is applied. This research concludes that cooperation among the concerned states and peace in Afghanistan would bring economic integration in the region which would automatically be followed by political harmony among the regional countries. One important recommendation in this regard is that Pakistan has to formulate such policies to avoid confrontation of major players and all the related players especially the potential powers should
accommodate each other’s interests in the larger interest of the region.

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