Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol 3, No 2 (2017)

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Snooping into the Saga of Bilateral Ties - Iran and Pakistan in Historical and Future Perspective

Tahir Tabassum


This article is an attempt to illustrate the tale of historical, current and future course of bilateral relations between Iran and Pakistan. It explores the geo-political and geo-strategic factors; transforming the nature, pattern and posture of Iran and Pakistan relations in different phases since 1947. Both countries, geographically adjacent culturally linked, religiously associated; have developed socio-economic ties; sometimes, enjoyed mutual intimacy. Further, both have adopted the policy of non-intervention, silence or behaved like a mere acquaintance to each other. In short, the paper will also delve various geo political determinants between Iran and Pakistan; while making a snooping exposure to various changes bilaterally; particularly in historical perspective. It will also expound thoughtful and thought provoking combination of analysis;
regarding current regional political transformation; particularly in context of Afghan Issue and new policy of US towards South Asia and Afghanistan. The paper will examine a way forward, for bilateral relations of Pakistan and Iran; to usher a new era of mutually strong, cordial and interest based relations in coming decades.

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