Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol 5, No 2 (2019)

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Iran’s Nuclear Quest, Obama’s Deal and Trump’s Cancellation: A Critical Analysis

Ghulam Fareed


Realist state‟s political necessity is the practiced morality and every actor‟s strategic interest on the upper crest of human geography is survival. Existence with power is the raison d' etat a Darwinian principle and Herbert Spenser phrase the “survival of the fittest” and Jeremy Bentham‟s endorsement of vital necessity in the state of war for longer living species is the power dynamics. The military arms build-up is the realist actor‟s traditional mercantilism for power accumulation. Iran‟s clandestine nuclear-constructive practice was competitively
compatible to Israel‟s identical aggressive sequential moves against Palestinians, and deliberately burgeoning military campaigns to suzerain the neighboring Arabs‟ territories. In unipolar power‟s strategic dictionary the adversary‟s possible possession of nuclear potential is negative alarming threat to the international peace and the ally‟s nuclear absolutism is a positive security paradigm US lenses asymmetric amidst Israel (-,-) Iran the two regional belligerents.

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