Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol 6, No 2 (2020)

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Water Management in Pakistan: Roots of Interprovincial Conflicts

Tariq Anwar Khan, Gulshan Majeed


Increasing water scarcity over the years since independence has caused numerous controversies about water distribution mechanism in Pakistan among its federating units. Pakistan being a predominantly agrarian economy relies heavily on Indus River System where all its units share water of this system for irrigation purpose. Environmental changes, population increase and increase in industrial use of water has led to water scarcity on one hand, while this scarcity has contributed to increase of mutual distrust among the provinces on the question of Water Management System in Pakistan. This paper analyses the present Water Management System in Pakistan in the context of growing conflicts over water distribution mechanism and water apportionment formulae. It has been argued that the present water apportionment practices have failed to resolve issues and controversies surrounding water distribution and management and the situation demands fresh policy initiatives to control further damage in future.

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