Journal of Politics and International Studies, Vol 7, No 2 (2021)

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Water Stress as a Threat to Human Security

Tahira Mumtaz


Security paradigm is constantly changing. World is changing very fast and non-military issues are taking much more importance as compared to military and conventional race. Non-traditional security threats are the challenges for the survival and wellbeing of the individual such as climate change, food and water security, natural disasters, diseases and irregular migration. Water security has taken central position on international forum. Some major international issues such as population growth and pollution are altering the sharing of water reservoirs and political involvement over these resources is becoming a hot issue not only within states but also across the borders. Security is a multidimensional approach and focuses on the welfare and well-being of an individual. An individual’s security cannot be assured through military means; it also adds all
other factors that are to be fulfilled for the survival of a person. Water is interlinked with environment change. Water as a natural resource may contribute too many security risks and threats that may be cause of intensification of a dispute. If we pay more attention to save water and
introduction of new techniques to best utilization of water resources, then it is possible to handle and use water in a better way. Improvement of policy making in water management is also very important factor for human security at international level.

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