MYCOPATH, Vol 17, No 1 (2019)

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Seed quality evaluation with respect to vigor, viability and fungi associated with commercial rice germplasm

Maroof Siddique, Noor-ul-Ain Tahir, Sajid Ali, Shumaila Farooq, Hafiza Hamima Elahi Peerzada and Salik Nawaz Khan


The present study was conducted to determine the viability and vigor of fourteen rice varieties through tetrazolium test as well as the effect of different growing medium and salt stress on the root and shoot length of these varieties. The presence and location of living tissue within the seeds was evaluated through Tetrazolium (TZ) test. Among the fourteen rice varieties, Basmati 515 showed highest viability, while Basmati 370 showed least viability. Among the different growing substrates, the best performance of root and shoot length was recorded on compost 5.25 and 10.9 cm, respectively. The highest root length against all types of soil achieved by Basmati 515 i.e. 4.5 cm, while Basmati 198 developed least root length of 3.2 cm. The highest shoot length was recorded by PS 2 i.e. 9.65 cm, while KSK 434 showed least shoot length of 6.19 cm. Salinity affects the water uptake by the plants causing reduction in cell turgidity as well as root and shoot elongation. Root and shoot length of rice varieties were evaluated against various electrical conductivity (EC) values from the day of germination and carried up to fourteen days. Seed performance at salt concentrations 1 to 6 ds m-1 were made with reference to higher salt concentration of Rice belt of Punjab province. The highest root length at all salt concentrations was achieved by Basmati Pak i.e. 4.17, while KSK 133 developed least root length 3.03 cm. Variety Basmati Pak developed highest shoot length 6.33 cm, while KSK 133 developed least shoot length 4.88 cm. The study revealed the effectiveness tetrazolium test with respect to time saving and reliability reflecting field performance. 

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