MYCOPATH, Vol 1, No 1 (2003)

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New Ectomycorrhizas in association with Poplar from Himalayan moist forests of Pakistan

Abdul Nasir Khalid and Abdul Rehman Niazi


Populinirrhiza pinnata and populinirrhiza khanspurensis are described and illustrated as new ectomycorrhizas from Himalayan moist temperate forests of Pakistan in association with the root system of Populus ciliata. Populinirrhiza pinnata has monopodial pinnate type of ramification. The young mycorrhizas are dark brown while the older ones are black. White sugary crystals are present on mycorrhizal system. Emanating hyphae surround mycorrhizas. Rhizomorphs are thick and branched. Populinirrhiza khanspurensis has a simple to monopodial type of ramification. The color of the young mycorrhiza is brown; some times with dark tips while the older ones are dark brown. Rhizomorph and emanating hyphae are absent. As so far no fungal partner of these mycorrhizas has been identified, these fall under the category of ‘unknown’ and ‘unidentified’ mycorrhizas. 

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