Vol 52, No 11 (2020)


Table of Contents


The (s; t)-Padovan Quaternions Matrix Sequence PDF
Renata Passos Machado Vieira, Francisco Regis Vieira Alves, Paula Maria Machado Cruz Catarino
P Systems for Patterns of SierpiĀ“nski Square Snowflake Curve PDF
P.S. Azeezun Nisha, S. Hemalatha, S. Sriram, K.G. Subramanian
On Some Topological Polynomials of Dominating David Derived Graphs PDF
Haidar Ali, Usman Babar, Syed Sheraz Asghar, Farzana Kausar
Note on Rightt Abelian Distributive AG-groupoids PDF
Bashar Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Amanullah -, Muhammad Rashad
Domain of Binomial Matrix in Some Spaces of Double Sequences PDF
Serkan Demiriz, Sezer Erdem

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