TALEEMAT, Vol 17, No 1 (2019)

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University Students’ Metacognitive Skills with Reference to Age, Discipline and Progression in Studies

Soofia Noor, Huma Lodhi, Ghazal Khalid Siddiqui


The purpose of this quantitative study was to compare the metacognitive skills of university students’ studying in medical, engineering, IT, sciences, social sciences, management sciences and commerce in public universities and medical colleges of Lahore. Universities were selected conveniently and students were selected randomly. Data were collected from 433 students from five public universities enrolled in different semesters of the academic year 2016. Metacognitive skills were measured by using Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) developed by Schraw and Dennison (1994). To address the research questions, statistical techniques such as descriptive statistics, independent sample t test and one way ANOVA, were used to analyze data. The study revealed that majority of the university students’ had a medium level of metacognitive skills, and that the variables of age, major discipline, and the progression in studies had no effect on their level of metacognitive skills. The study informed the policy makers, curriculum planners, teachers and administrators that they are responsible for fostering the metacognitive skills of students may play an effective part in the society. The findings of the study might help to make desired changes in curriculum, pedagogy etc.


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